Christ lays the desire to serve on our hearts and we have a choice to accept the call or do we walk away. The First United Methodist Church was doing great ministries prior to the pandemic. The Missions Team was feeding the hungry, taking Mission Walks handing out hygiene supplies and showing love and care to the hopeless. At the same time church began a community Pioneer Club elementary ministry. It met weekly providing a healthy meal, lessons, fun activities, gave out bibles and introduced the children to Christ. Pioneer Club ministry has volunteers from many community churches, and it was a blessing to serve Christ together.
Through the community ministries Christ laid on the heart of one volunteer to begin an ecumenical community ministry to bring churches together. After a year of prayers, Christ laid this ministry on another Pioneer volunteers’ heart to say the ministry was going to happen. The leaders of the Pioneer Club, the Missions Team and Pastor gathered to begin what is now known as the Elkins United Christian Community Center.
For eight months the group of 5 prayed, discussed and determined community needs. It was not only to feed those who have little, but to feed the spirit, nurture the children and teens. The problem was, how are we to share Christ’s love through feeding physically and spiritually. How do we bring the churches together, work with the leaders in the community and feed spiritual and physical needs.
In April we gathered together with individuals from other churches and community leaders to discuss how to come together to for the community in Christ’s name. May 2021 we formed the Elkins United Christian Community Center board of directors. The fields were prepared for months, and it was time to plant the seeds. 1 Corinthians 3:6-8 Paul writes I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. 7 So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. 8 The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor.
Our communities are struggling with the drug use, crime, homelessness, the collapse of the family, lack of resources, lack of jobs, and COVID concerns. There are many wonderful ministries in the community and county, but the need keeps growing. What are the needs? How do we work together? Where are we called to serve? Through Christ love and faithfulness we know that these questions answers will be answered. Though the need is great, we are reassured in Philippians 4:13 “I can do all this through him who gives me strength”.
God created us to be the hands and feet for him and it is up to us to serve, love, show mercy, care, provide, teach and minister. Christ is calling us to be his hands and feet, to be a part of the solution, to work together in his name to help our community to heal, to give hope to the hopeless, to share love through actions, to teach the word of God and bring Joy.
By using our individual blessings, skills, gifts, desires and ministries we the EUCCC will provide support to existing ministries in our churches and community. We know we are to teach our children about Christ to support ministries for children, teens or adults.